Domain names and SEO.

Now here comes the tricky part, finding a domain name that has people searching for it but is not already used or full of competition.

An excellent free tool for this is Google Keyword Tool.
By using this tool you can easily see how many people that searches for the exact word you want every month. It also shows how great the competition is for the word and gives alot of suggestions on word to use instead of the one you wanted.

Click on the pictures below to see two different searches we made before creating this site.
(The text is in Swedish, if you wondered, but don't let that disturb you)
The first picture shows that the word "SEO" (search engine optimizing) is a really attractive word, with over 5'000'000 people searching for it every month. It also shows that trying to conquer such a word in google is nearly impossible.
The second picture is a search for "Multi SEO" which only has 4'400 searches every month, but does not have a lot of competition.

Therefore using the words "multi SEO" was alot more rewarding to us.
Less competition and users that knew what they were searching for.

You should also search for the word on Google by typing it in like this "your word" with the apostrophes to see how many results you get.
The word "seo" has 184'000'000 results.
While "Multi Seo" only has 15'400 results.
The more results there are, the more difficult it will be to claim the nr1 spot in Google etc.

If your site is about Brown dogs, don't name it "dogs", name it "browndogs" instead.
It will help you get more targeted traffic.
Next: Learn from others.
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